The following are my terms and conditions for using my website, and my liability to you when you visit.
Last edited 1st April 2017
- While I aim to make sure that all information is up to date and accurate, I can not guarantee that there are no errors or omissions. In the event that there are innacurracies on my site, I welcome you to inform me by filling out my contact form.
- My website does make use of commercially licenced images. You may not reproduce, download, copy, or otherwise transmit licenced or copyrighted images. Home page portrait is © Doug Freegard, 2015. The textual content is © Mark Redwood, 2015-2017. Copyright for the article pages is as per the publishing date. You may use selected areas of text as long as it constitutes fair use, which is termed fair dealing under UK Law, you clearly attribute it, and if transmitted electronically provide a link to the original material. The downloadable leaflets provided on my website are © Mark Redwood, and are provided for personal use only. You may make a paper copy or store them on an electronic retrieval device for this purpose. They may not otherwise be reproduced or transmitted without prior permission.
- In addition to commerically licenced images, I also use material created under a Creative Commons CCO. Where practical and reasonable my policy is to provide attribution and a link to the author. I use and as a photographic source.
- Any textual material not owned by me will be clearly marked as being a quote, and attributed to the original author. I will also provide a link to the material if available. If you feel that any material contained in this website infringes your copyright, please contact me with evidence of the infringement, and I will either remove the material or provide the necessary attribution.
- Material provided on the site, particularly the articles page, is intended for informational purposes only. It should never be considered as a substitute for professional help, nor should it be considered a licence to ignore professional advice. If you are in doubt about any aspect of your health, then you should consult your GP in the first instance.
- While I do invite comments on the articles page that challenge the premise of an article, I reserve the right not to publish comments which use abusive, discriminatory language, may be considered libellous, contain personal insults, or other offensive material.
- My website's policy on Cookies can be found on my Privacy Policy Page.
- While I do provide links to third party websites, these are provided for information purposes only. I do not necessarily endorse any products and services these websites offer, and it should be understood that my professional opinion may differ from those presented in these websites.
- Website design by Mark Redwood, based upon the X theme by Baamboo Studio.
- Photo credits for the Home page in order of appearance. Blue Sky by nithid18, Grass by Unsplash, Garden by CarlaBron, Four People by Sommer Lake by tunedin
Last edited 1st April 2017